Biblical, Theological, and Cultural Reasons to Plant a Church–Journey into Church Planting (Part 4) Now that I’ve considered the objections for church planting and how I overcame them (see posts 1,2,3), it will be helpful to consider the biblical, theological, and cultural rationale for church planting. 1. Church planting is a biblical and apostolic practice—a […]
Category: Writings on Christianity
Cyril on the Incarnation
Cyril “On the Incarnation” John 1:14-18 Tomorrow morning (8/11) I am preaching at Doxa Fellowship up in Woodstock, IL, where I am filling for Steve McCoy who is on vacation. The text we’ll be looking at is John 1:14-18. In part of the message we’ll be looking at the wonders of incarnation (God becoming man) […]
Overcoming Objections –Journey into Church Planting (part 3) In my previous posts I mentioned my acceptance into a church planting residency and my 5 objections to church planting. Here’s why those 5 objections should not prevent me from church planting: 1. My upbringing need not determine my future. It doesn’t matter if I grew up […]
My 5 Objections to Church Planting–Journey into Church Planting (part 2) In my last post, I mentioned the unexpected nature of my decision to enter into church-planting. Here are five reasons why I wrote off church-planting: 1. I did not grow up in a church-planting culture. As a child, there was zero talk about starting […]
Journey into Church Planting (part 1)—Introduction “He leads me in paths of righteousness, for His Name’s sake.” Ps 23:3b Recently, I began a year-long church-planting apprenticeship at my church, Redeemer Fellowship. This program will equip and train me to lead a new church plant and then serve as its senior pastor. While the notion of […]
6 Points to Help You Talk about the Trinity (Tsouloufis) My Friend Dan Tsouloufis wrote a brief explanation on how we as Christians are to talk about God as a Trinity. I think its really helpful: As believers, we need to be able to articulate the doctrine of the Trinity in concise language that’s understandable […]
“I’m beginning to believe more and more that John did not think Jesus was God.” This was a comment I heard from a Bible professor at a recent SBL (Society of Biblical Literature) conference of which I participated in. Considering the range of people who participate in these conferences, I was not completely shocked at […]
Suffering For The Sake of Christ For it has been granted to you that for the sake of Christ you should not only believe in him but also suffer for his sake, engaged in the same conflict that you saw I had and now hear that I still have. (Phil 1:29-30 ESV) In Phil 1:29-30 […]
My friend Dan Tsouloufis is passionate about teaching and helping Christians thinking critically about their faith. He gave me permission to share something he wrote to help Christians defend and consider a biblical worldview. Here it is: The Six Fundamental Truths of Theistic Philosophy (From a Judeo-Christian Worldview) by DanTsouloufis I feel compelled to […]
JESUS AS YAHWEH THE GOD OF ISRAEL How could any Jew in the first century have considered Jesus to be God? How do understanding Jewish notions of monotheism from that period help us in this question? British evangelical scholar Richard Bauckham has given us one of the best answers to these questions in his essay […]