Writings on Christianity

O Selfless Christ

When my heart sinks into the muck and squalor of self-pity, what I need is a fresh view of my selfless Savior:

O Selfless Christ

You spoke the world into being:
Every star and moon,
Every animal and plant.

Ruling in glory with the Father and the Spirit,
One God in three persons,
Infinite power, inexpressible strength.

You emptied yourself and became a man,
Unimaginable humility:
God incarnate serving the created.

You were obedient to the point of death,
Crushed for our sins,
Crucified on the cross.

You took our death and gave us life,
The Great Exchange:
Our sins for your righteousness.

O Selfless Christ, your ways makes us marvel,
You acted out of love,
Empowered by the Spirit.

Help us Lord to take up our cross and follow,
The path is glorious,
The path is pure.

O Selfless Christ, we are yours forever.
Help us serve like you today.

By Tom Schmidt

Christian, husband of Rach, Church Planter,musician,

2 replies on “O Selfless Christ”

Reminds me of how Jesus’ remedy for Peter’s excessive introspection: “Peter, do you love me?” Notice Jesus’ cure was not, as our culture might think we need to hear, “Peter, don’t you know that *I love you!*” But, do *you love Jesus*? “O Selfless Christ, we are yours forever.”

I think that is really insightful man. The answer is not look deeper into myself, but look away from myself to Jesus, the object of my love.

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