Writings on Christianity

Marriage: From a Christian Perspective

A Few Thoughts On Marriage from A Christian Perspective 

-God‘s good design for marriage is one man and one woman.

-A husband or wife cannot, and will not, bring ultimate full and lasting satisfaction to your soul. No human relationship (romantic or friend or family) can absolutely complete you. A spouse is a precious gift, but cannot replace the one true Living God. Only God can truly satisfy your soul; to know Him is eternal life (John 17:3)!

-Marriage is temporary. There is no marriage in heaven (Matt 22:30), and our marriage on earth ends upon the death of a spouse or, in less fortunate circumstances, in divorce.

-Human marriage points to an even greater satisfying union: Christ and his Church (Eph 5:25-33). Within marriage, a husband and wife become one flesh— a spiritual bond takes place between the two of them. Yet, amazingly, the Bible presents this bond as actually pointing into an even more wonderful bond: Christ and the Church. A human marriage will dissolve upon death, but the union of Christ with his church goes on into eternity.

-Wives are called to submit to and respect their husbands and husbands are called to sacrificially and tenderly love their wives (Eph 5:22-33).

-Christ is the model for us in marriage of sacrificial and tender love through the way He loved the Church.

By Tom Schmidt

Christian, husband of Rach, Church Planter,musician,

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