Ephesians 5:15-21: “Be Wise and Spirit-filled”
Intro: Crossfit gym powerlifting; orientation class; continued instruction in gym sessions.
-We need to be instructed how to live as faithful Christians, and God has given us that here in the Bible.
-2 Instructions for Christians: Christians are called to be wise in the time given to us and filled with the Holy Spirit. CONTEXT: How to LIVE as a faithful Christians Section of Ephesians.
-Eph 1-3: Gospel explained: GOD, SIN, CHRIST, RESPONSE.
-Eph 4-6: Application and Faithful Christian Living.
-Doing these things won’t save us, but they are right and fitting for those who are saved!
-TODAY: Christians are called to be wise in the time given to us and filled with the Holy Spirit.
1. Be WISE in the time God has given you. 2 Be FILLED with the HOLY SPIRIT
1 Be Wise in the Time God has Given You (15-17)
Story: graduating senior recognizing that he wasted so much of time in college.
-Apostle Paul here instructs us: Be wise and faithful with the time God has given you.
Instruction (15-16): 15 Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise,
-“walk”=how you live, think, go about your life.
-“look carefully”=Conscientious intentionality with our time.
-Not cavalier, or wasteful, but using it wisely in light of shortness of our time:
–16 making the best use of the time,
-Life is short: Ps 90:12
-REALITY: You may not live past this decade, or year!
– because the days are evil.: SIN, DEATH, CORRUPTION of this age. (Gal 1:4)
QUESTION: What does being wise, intentional use of the time God has given us look like?
-Being faithful with people and situations before us
-Co-workers; classmates; children;
-Making disciples: Matt 28:18-20.
-Intentionally helping others in their walk with Christ.
-Sharing the gospel: telling the good news of the gospel with outsiders.
-‘One life, tis soon will pass; only what’s done for Christ will last’-C.T. Studd
-Pouring out our lives in love and service for each other.
-A life of selfless service to others, rather an selfish self-absorbed goals.
QUESTION: Where do we learn how to be wise?
-Wise people (my convo yesterday with pastor Chris)
-Jesus: Col 2:3
-HOLY SPIRIT: Eph 1:17
-5. Resolved, never to lose one moment of time; but improve it the most profitable way I possibly can.
-7. Resolved, never to do anything, which I should be afraid to do, if it were the last hour of my life.
-NOTICE v 17: FOLLY vs WILL OF THE LORD: 17 Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord is.
-Will of the Lord=what God calls you to do in obedience and faithful service (1 Thess 4:3)
-If do what God wants, that is WISDOM. If we reject God and His ways, that is FOLLY.
-Prov 1:7 ‘Fear of the LORD is beginning of wisdom’
-Ps 14:1 ‘The fool says in his heart, “There is no God.”
APPLICATION: How is God calling you to grow in be more wise with your time?
-How have you been squandering the time or resources God has given you?
-What changes need to happen in your life to become more wise? (Shows; Schedule; Finances; Friends; Goals)
- Be Filled with the Holy Spirit (18-21)
TRIUNE GOD OF THE BIBLE: Father, Son and Holy Spirit
-Father sends the Son; Son saves a people; Holy Spirit applies the work of the Son to the people.
-Holy Spirit regenerates us; seals us; empowers us; convicts; comforts.
-Holy Spirit helps us say no to temptation and yes to Christ (Rom 8:13-14)
-Paul calls Christians to be FILLED with the Holy Spirit.
Don’t Get Drunk with Alcohol (18a):18 And do not get drunk with wine, for that is debauchery,
-Bible does not forbid drinking alcohol: Jesus drank wine and we can too.
-It does call us to not get drunk: intoxicated with alcohol.
–HEAR GOD’S WORD TO YOU: Don’t get drunk with alcohol!
-Danger: drunkenness leads to all kinds of sin and evil: sexual; violence; words and actions.
–MORAL REFRAMING: that is debauchery
–DEBAUCHERY= Unbridled giving way to sensual desires (sex; drink; food; entertainment)
-Social Gathering: GALLON OF ICE CREAM.
–OTHER FORMS OF DEBAUCHERY: Porn; Phones; Entertainment; Food; Gym
*QUESTION: Where have you been lacking in self-control recently and need to repent?
INSTRUCTION: BE FILLED WITH THE HOLY SPIRIT (18b) but be filled with the Spirit,
-Instead of being influenced and controlled by alcohol, we are filled and directed by God the Holy Spirit.
-Baptism of the Holy Spirit=CONVERSION.
-Filling and empowering of Holy Spirit=CONTINUAL.
-Called to ‘keep in step with the Holy Spirit’ (Gal 5:16-25)
–HERE: Be filled with the Holy Spirit.
LAST FLING CONVO: Are you a Spirit-filled church? Different understanding of Holy Spirit’s ministry.
-What does it look like to be filled with the Holy Spirit? Paul shows us here in 19-21.
-A SPIRIT-FILLED CHRISTIAN IS A SPEAKING CHRISTIAN (19a)19 addressing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs,
-MINISTERING God’s Word and truth to each other.
–QUESTION: When you get together with other believers, how often do talk about God? Or Scripture?
-Is most of your conversation about movies and things in your life?
–APPLICATION: Share a Scripture or song lyric with another believer this week.
-Spirit-filled joy that comes from hearing what God has taught another in His Word.
-A SPIRIT-FILLED CHRISTIAN IS A SINGING CHRISTIAN (19b) singing and making melody to the Lord with your heart,
-Christians are called to sing and worship God through song with our hearts.
–OBJECTION: I’m not a good singer!
–ANSWER: But God made your voice, and calls you to make a joyful sound to Him.
APPLICATION: Sing on Sunday mornings at church. (Encouragement: most of you do!)
-Sing at CG; in your car; as a family.
20 giving thanks always and for everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ,
-Called to give thanks ALWAYS
-Called to give thank FOR EVERYTHING
-Only possible because we rejoice in sovereignty (Rom 8:28).
APPLICATION: When are tempted to grumble and complain, choose to give thanks to God.
-Go to sleep giving thanks; Lead your family in prayers of thanksgiving.
-A SPIRIT-FILLED CHRISTIAN IS A SUBMITTING CHRISTIAN (21) 21 submitting to one another out of reverence for Christ.
-There are different areas where we are called to submit to one another:
-Leaders in government; Church leaders; Wives to Husbands; Children to Parents; Friends to each other (preferences)
-NOTICE: out of reverence for Christ.
-We submit other relationships because Christ has our ultimate allegiance.
APPLICATION: Are you joyfully submitting to others in reverence for Christ?
-Notice the communal aspect of these.
-Don’t try to live your Christian life in isolation from others.
APPLICATION: Be filled with the Holy Spirit!
-Ask God to fill you with the Holy Spirit
-DO these things, in faith, while relying on God’s Spirit to empower and bless them.
CLOSE: Christians are called to be wise in the time given to us and filled with the Holy Spirit.
UNBELIEVER: You’ve been a fool and filled sin and unbelief, but Jesus died for the foolish: Titus 3:3-7
BELIEVER: Jesus saved you, that you might walk in His wisdom and be filled with the Holy Spirit.
-Let the truth of the gospel lead you embrace wisdom and be filled with the Holy Spirit.