Here’s my notes and audio for “Great is the LORD!” sermon based on Psalm 145, preached at Cross of Christ Fellowship in Naperville.
Psalm 145 “Great is the LORD!”
INTRO: New Year’s resolutions/goals: weight loss; finances; greater faithfulness
-Ps 145=I will worship God and rejoice in his greatness!
-As we look to a new year, may this be our resolve: I will worship God and rejoice in Him!
-This really is more important than all other goals and aspirations for the new year.
1a: TITLE: A Song of Praise. Of David.
-King of Israel
-“Sweet psalmist of Israel” (2 Sam 23:1b)
-This Psalm is a song that leads us to worship God.
1. David’s Resolve to WORSHIP God (1-2)
DAVID’S RESOLVE: I will worship God!
-Determined resolve and commitment to worship and exalt God”
-I will: “extol you…bless your name…bless you…praise you…”
-Commitment to praise and worship God and rejoice in Him.
-See the ENDURING Scope: “forever and ever”
-Not a fleeting excitement, but an eternal pursuit
OBSERVE: “my God and KING.”
-Though David was an earthly king, God is the TRUE king.
*QUESTION: Is God more important to you than everything? Are you committed to worshipping God?
APPLICATION: Let this be your resolve and commitment in 2025
-FACT: you will worship and make much of something.
-ONLY God is truly worthy of your worship and only He can truly satisfy.
JESUS: Delivers us from estrangement of God, so that we be reconciled to God and worship Him (Eph 2:11-12)
-THEOLOGIANS: You become like what you worship! (Jere 2:5 ‘went after worthlessness and become worthless’)
- Worshipping God for His Surpassing GREATNESS (3-7)
QUESTION: Why should this be our resolve and commitment? Because God is exceedingly GREAT!
-Greatness Stated (3): 3 Great is the LORD, and greatly to be praised, and his greatness is unsearchable.
-God is great=He has a worth and value that exceeds the rest!
-Right response: “greatly to be praised!”
-Incomparable greatness: “his greatness is unsearchable”
-No end to God’s greatness.
-Greatness Celebrated individually and corporately (4-7)
-Corporately (4,6a,7)
-Commending, declaring the mighty acts and works of God
-OT acts of Salvation: Exodus; David and Goliath
-NT acts of salvation: Jesus’ life and ministry—see Matthew 8
-Pouring forth the “fame of your abundant goodness”
-God’s greatness is displayed in his goodness in Himself and toward His Creation
-Singing of God’s righteousness: GOSPEL: God does what is right and makes us right with Himself (Rom 3:26)
-Individually (5, 6b)
-Personal mediation 5: (taking a truth about God and chewing over it until your heart & mind see it.)
-Personal declaration of God’s greatness 6b: (Personal RESOLVE—I WILL declare God’s greatness!)
ILLUSTRATION: LOTR, Fellowship of the Ring. Bilbo’s Mithril coat given to Frodo worth more than Shire
-God is worth more than all the treasure of this world
*QUESTION: Do you see in your heart that God truly is of more value than everything?
-What things compete with your affections—claiming to be more beautiful/important than God?
–DANGER: Love of the world. 1 John 2:15
APPLICATION: Be resolved to recognize the surpassing greatness of God.
-Rejoice in his greatness when you are alone AND on Sunday and CG
3. Greatness of God Seen in CHARACTER OF GOD (8-9)
Augustine’s “City of God” Roman and Greek gods compared to God of Christianity
-The greatness of God is seen in the character of God.
-Ps 145:8 is quotation of Ex 34:6-7
1 LORD is gracious! 2 LORD is merciful: 3 LORD is slow to anger:
4 LORD is abounding steadfast love; 5 LORD is good to all:; 6 LORD…his mercy is over all that he has made:
APPLICATION: See that this is who is God! This is what He is like.
-As you walk through painful trials, perplexities, hardships, high and lows, let this shape your thinking
-Let this FUEL your worship of GodàPraise God because this is who God is!
–GOSPEL: We see all this confirmed in the gospel. Titus 3:4-74. The Greatness God is SEEN in His Everlasting KINGDOM OF GOD (10-13)
A main idea in 10-13 is the KINGDOM of God.
-Kingdom of God: ‘God’s people, in God’s place, under God’s rule’ (Goldingay)
-Rejoicing God’s glorious kingdom (10-12)
-Glorious and established and ruled over by God the king (145:1).
-Everlasting kingdom (13)
-Present in David’s day.
-Prophesied in Daniel 2
-Arrived in a greater fullness with Christ (Matt 4:17)
-Wonderful worth selling all you have to be part of (Matt 13:44-46)
-Experienced in its fulness at the return of Christ.
APPLICATION: This world is not our home, but we belong to the kingdom of Christ.
-Let this shape how you think of yourself as a Christian AND as an American
-Let it FUEL your worship: Praise God for His glorious kingdom, a kingdom we get to part of! - The Greatness of God Displayed in His CARE (14-20)
God is not only great—He also is caring of His people.
-Through this we also see his greatness.
-LORD’s care of those in need (14)
-Personal, intimate care of His people in their struggles.
-Look to Him this year when you are tempted or overwhelmed.
-LORD’S caring provision (15-17)
-SEEK His provision: financial, strength, needs.
-LORD’S Nearness to His People (18)
-DRAW near to God in truth
-Saved for a RELATIONSHIP with God.
-LORD Satisfying and Saving (19)
-Let Him fulfill your heart’s desire
–GOSPEL: God saves us in through faith! Rom 10:9-10
-LORD Preserving and Judging (20)
-GOD preserves His people.
-Phil 1:6
-GOD destroys the wicked
-Destruction now and after this life in hell.
-Escape eternal destruction by going to Christ. - CONCLUSION (21): RESOLVE=I will worship God!
21 My mouth will speak the praise of the LORD, and let all flesh bless his holy name forever and ever.CLOSE: Make this your resolve in 2025—I will worship God and rejoice in His greatness.