Writings on Christianity

Ps 63:3 Sermon Outline

Here are the notes from sermon on Psalm 63:3 preached at Cross of Christ Fellowship in Naperville. Audio here.

 Psalm 63:3 “Rejoicing in God’s Love” Part 2: JOY IN GOD SERIES SERMON 4

Intro: If I asked you, what is better than everything else, what would you say? What the greatest joy in your life?
     -Friends, music, relationships, money, success, achievements.
                 –Bible: God’s love is better than life!
-My hope: We see that God’s love is better than life, and this would lead to fresh joy in God.
                             -A main reason we lack joy in God is we have forgotten or lost sight of God’s love
                                         -A main way we return to fresh joy in God is by rejoicing in God’s love.
Week 1: Ps 4:7:

     -God puts joy into our heart, and it is a joy greater than earthly joys
Week 2: Ps 16:11.
     -The joy we experience in God is an everlasting joy
Week 3: Ps 63:3 “Your steadfast love is better than life.”
     -One way we experience joy in God is by remembering and rejoicing in God’s love.
                 -We considered together the nature of God’s love.
                             -We asked, ‘What is God’s love like?’
                                         -God’s Love=Flows out of his nature; holy; impartial; self-giving; faithful; genuine; endures.
     –TODAY, we ask, ‘How does God SHOW love for His people?
                 -By remembering and reflecting on how God SHOWS his love for us, we are led to experience joy in God
                             -God’s love really is better than life!

     D.A. Carson wrote a helpful book called “Difficult Doctrine of the Love of God”
                 -The Bible speaks about God’s love in many ways
1. God Loves His People by Caring and Providing for them
-Imagine someone had children, but never provided for their needs. What would that say about them?
     -Lack love
-Imagine a person had children and they tenderly and carefully provided for them. What would that say about them?
     -They loved them.
-One way we see God show love for us in His care and provision: Ps 104:10-15
                 -Paul preaches this truth to the Gentiles about their Creator God: Acts 14:15-17; 17:24-31
                             -God shows love to you in his provision for you:
food, shelter, health, family, work, friends.
                                         -God’s love is better than life!

2. God Loves by Graciously Taking the Initiative to Save Us

Bible’s view on our present condition: We are dead in our sins and would never come to God on our own volition.
    -Amazing grace of God: God graciously take the initiative to save us and draw us to Himself.
-We see God’s love in how he graciously took the initiative to save Israel: Deut 7:6-8
-NOT because they deserved it, but out of his grace.
                 -God has a special love for His elect, predestining them to eternal life: Eph 1:4b-5
                      -REJOICE in God’s love, shown in electing you to ETERNAL LIFE!
                                         -God’s love is better than life!

3. God loves By Saving Us
Bible also teaches that we as humans are desperately in need of salvation.
    -Our sins have condemned us before a holy God, and we deserve to go hell.
                 -We cannot fix our condition through good works or sacrifices, we need God to save us!
     -Israel experienced God’s love in salvation from Egypt: Ps 130:7
                 -God’s love for Israel was displayed in God saving Israel.
     -We see God’s love shown to us today through Christ.
            -God saves sinners who deserve condemnation: Rom 5:6-8
                 -The death of Christ is for us the explicit statement of God’s love for sinners.
                             -This is a gift you receive by faith: believe on Jesus and you will be saved: Rom 10:9-10
     GOSPEL APPLICATION: If you are not a Christian, you desperately need Christ
                                                     -If you are a Christian, remember that God’s love led Him to save you!
                                                                 -God’s love is better than life!

4. God Loves Us with a Fatherly Love
I love my children in a special way.
-God’s people have God as their Father: Psalm 103:13
-Not everyone is a child of God, but those who believe in Jesus as adopted into the family
                 -God has a fatherly love for His children 1 John 3:1
                             -God’s love is better than life!

5. God Loves Us by Sanctifying and Disciplining Us
Becoming holy and growing to be like Jesus is hard work.
    -It involves God graciously bringing different things into our lives to shape us and make us more like Christ
                 -God disciplines His children, because He love them.
God disciplines his children, to make them more holy Prov 3:11-12
                 -God prunes us: (John 15:1-2)
                             -God’s love is better than life!

6. God Loves Us Sovereignly
As Christians we can try to organize and arrange things in order to show love to another
     -But our attempts are limited by our knowledge, abilities and strength
                 -But God is omnipotent and sovereign over all things!
-David recognized God’s power over all things Ps 103:19
                 -God’s love works all things out for our good! (Rom 8:28)
                      -Consider the hardships, the irritations, the perplexities of life: God’s sovereignly rules over them.
                      -Consider the pleasures, the success, the joys, the hopes of life: God sovereignly rules over them.
                            -God LOVINGLY works all things together for your good and His glory!
                                         -God’s love is better than life!

7. God Loves Us Endlessly
Our ability to express love for another only lasts so long.
     -Limiting factors: physical and emotional limits; location; health; finances; death.-God loves us with an endless love: Ps 23:6
                 -Nothing can separate us from God’s love! (Rom 8:35-39)
                             -God’s love is better than life!


What if I believe in Christ, but still lack joy? What if it is still hard for me to say with David, ‘God, your love is better than life?’

1 Rejoice that Ps 63:3 is still true—God’s Word is true even if our feelings at times tell us otherwise
     -Let this propel you seek after a right understanding of God’s love and joy in God.
2 Look to Jesus—cling to Him and rejoice that He is the savior of sinners, who in love gave his life for you.
3 Pray for the Holy Spirit to fill you—fruit of the Holy Spirit (Gal 5:22-23)
4 Walk by faith—God’s love is better than life even if we forget it or do not feel it as much as we want.

By Tom Schmidt

Christian, husband of Rach, Church Planter,musician,

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